
Bonjour öffnet Räume, damit Gemeinden, Institutionen, informelle Akteure, Forschungs- und Finanzierungspartner in Kollaboration innovative Modelle entwickeln und erproben können.

Dabei ist das gemeinsame Entwickeln mit den Zielgruppen ein zentraler Aspekt. Durch das gemeinsame Lernen und Miteinander-Erschaffen soll auch erreicht werden, dass die erarbeiteten Lösungen für die verschiedenen Beteiligten nachhaltig sind.

Um diese kollaborativen Lern- und Gestaltungsräume zu ermöglichen, braucht es eine gemeinsame Haltung. 

Unter Gemeingut beschreiben wir unsere Werte, Grundsätze und Herausforderungen zu Themen wie Ownership, Datenschutz, Co-Kreation oder Diversität.

We cordially invite you to co-think

There are many valuable social achievements: offers from non-profit organizations, companies, small businesses, the public sector and informal offers such as local neighborhood initiatives.

Bonjour does not intend to become another service provider. Instead, the foundation wants to offer a hand to create new connections, potentiate existing offers, enable access and jointly explore new potential.

How can co-create close-knit networks which offer people in all kinds of different situations fair access to the social achievements?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Es gibt viele wertvolle soziale Errungenschaften: Angebote von Organi­sationen, Firmen, Klein­gewerbe und der öffentlichen Hand, Quartier­arbeit, Nachbar­schafts­hilfe etc. Bonjour will kein weiterer Dienst­leister werden, sondern Hand bieten, Ver­bindungen zu schaffen, bestehende Angebote zu potenzieren, Zugang zu ermöglichen und gemein­sam neue Potenziale auszuloten.

How can co-create close-knit networks which offer people in all kinds of different situations fair access to the social achievements?
We use simple technologies - but only as a means to an end. Our goals are as follows:

  • Learn together how technologies can be used sensibly.
  • Enhance existing services with technology and make them accessible to a wider public.
  • Connect people - also remotely.

We see two main potentials in digitization:

New platforms and channels We are particularly interested in inclusion here. How can we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect and be digitally ready?

Social innovation How can we find models based on simple technologies that promote interconnections, resilience, self-determination and a feeling of security? We consider the potential for social innovation to be very high when institutions, authorities and committed individuals come together and learn together.

Bringing together technology and the individual is only the starting point. We are committed to help defining different roles in society and find out how these roles can be meaningfully filled and supported, strengthened and interconnected using technology.
Partizipation, Co-Kreation und Diversität
We're all different and that's a good thing. The think-and-do factory Bonjour invites people, organizations, companies and authorities to co-create and even co-shape Bonjour itself.

How can we learn from each other and for each other? What does inclusion mean for project design?

We want to find a model of open collaboration that allows us and others to meet at eye level, develop new potential and to shape the future together.

Invitation to co-create: Our current project initiatives

Bonjour's slightly differet organisation chart von Bonjour
Nobody finds offerings labeled "for the elderly" attractive. And what does "the elderly" mean anyway? That's why our goal is to develop attractive solutions that are attractive for older people, but not exclusively.

How can we incite an inspiring dialogue on the subject of ageing and intergenerational cooperation?

Bonjour is working towards solutions for seniors and everyone else who wants to become older one day.
For Bonjour, help does not mean a red button labeled "help". Rather, Bonjour wants to help create structures that lead to more resilience and security.

In every phase of life there are people who want to help and those who are dependent on support.

How can we combine the two needs of wanting to help and being in need of help?  helfen wollen and Unterstützung beanspruchen miteinander in Beziehung bringen?

It's about matching and a culture of giving and taking and, above all, about creating an environment in which individuals feel comfortable to ask for help when they need it.

Helping people to strengthen their ability to help themselves and be more self-determined is another approach that we are pursuing.
How can we start with an idea and learn from our mistakes along the way and make sure that others can build on our experiences?

Bonjour Apps sind Prototypen und keine Hoch­­g­lanz-Apps. Mit den Proto­­typen will Bonjour Ideen aufzeigen, inspi­rie­ren und in Pro­jek­ten mit Partnern Poten­­ziale aus­­loten. Unser Label Social Software in the Making shall underline our approach and invite others to do the same.

Test and use our protoypes and co-create: Toolbox
Die Digitalisierung hat uns nicht nur Software und Apps gebracht, sondern auch neuartige Heran­­gehens­­weisen wie Agile Software-Ent­wicklung und Open Source. Die agile Ent­wicklung geht davon aus, dass in einer sich schnell ver­än­dern­den Welt nicht mehr alles im vor­aus plan­bar ist. Zentral dabei ist das gemein­same Lernen und Weiterkommen unter­schied­licher Disziplinen. Open Source ist eine Lizenz, die es erlaubt, Code oder andere Resultate unter Ein­haltung gewisser Richt­linien kosten­los wieder­zu­ver­wenden oder andersweitig einzusetzen.

Wir glauben, dass diese Konzepte wunderbar zu gemein­nütziger Arbeit passen und wollen gemein­sam heraus­finden, was Gemein­nützig­keit im digitalen Zeit­alter heisst.  

Bonjour Gemeinnützigkeit 2.0 Richtlinie

  • People in need can use Bonjour prototypes for free.
  • Bonjour helps non-profit organisations around the world to use the developed solutions or to integrate them or to develop them further.
  • We also share our most important learnings - both, successes and failures.

mitVerfolgen Interested to know where this journey is heading? Subscribe to the

Bonjour PingPong newsletter.

Weiter zu den Projekten

Creating new connections

There are many valuable social achievements: offers from non-profit organizations, companies, small businesses, the public sector and informal offers such as local neighborhood initiatives.

Bonjour does not intend to become another service provider. Instead, the foundation wants to offer a hand to create new connections, potentiate existing offers, enable access and jointly explore new potential.

How can co-create close-knit networks which offer people in all kinds of different situations fair access to the social achievements?

Technology as a tool for social innovation

We use simple technologies - but only as a means to an end. Our goals are as follows:

  • Learn together how technologies can be used sensibly.
  • Enhance existing services with technology and make them accessible to a wider public.
  • Connect people - also remotely.

We see two main potentials in digitization:

New platforms and channels We are particularly interested in inclusion here. How can we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect and be digitally ready?

Social innovation How can we find models based on simple technologies that promote interconnections, resilience, self-determination and a feeling of security? We consider the potential for social innovation to be very high when institutions, authorities and committed individuals come together and learn together.

Bringing together technology and the individual is only the starting point. We are committed to help defining different roles in society and find out how these roles can be meaningfully filled and supported, strengthened and interconnected using technology.


We're all different and that's a good thing. The think-and-do factory Bonjour invites people, organizations, companies and authorities to co-create and even co-shape Bonjour itself.

How can we learn from each other and for each other? What does inclusion mean for project design?

We want to find a model of open collaboration that allows us and others to meet at eye level, develop new potential and to shape the future together.

Invitation to co-create: Our current project initiatives Bonjour's slightly differet organisation chart von Bonjour

Joy of life and joy in getting older

Nobody finds offerings labeled "for the elderly" attractive. And what does "the elderly" mean anyway? That's why our goal is to develop attractive solutions that are attractive for older people, but not exclusively.

How can we incite an inspiring dialogue on the subject of ageing and intergenerational cooperation?

Bonjour is working towards solutions for seniors and everyone else who wants to become older one day.

.help = self-determination

For Bonjour, help does not mean a red button labeled "help". Rather, Bonjour wants to help create structures that lead to more resilience and security.

In every phase of life there are people who want to help and those who are dependent on support.

How can we combine the two needs of wanting to help and being in need of help?  helfen wollen and Unterstützung beanspruchen miteinander in Beziehung bringen?

It's about matching and a culture of giving and taking and, above all, about creating an environment in which individuals feel comfortable to ask for help when they need it.

Helping people to strengthen their ability to help themselves and be more self-determined is another approach that we are pursuing.

(Software) Prototyping

How can we start with an idea and learn from our mistakes along the way and make sure that others can build on our experiences?

Bonjour Apps sind Prototypen und keine Hoch­­g­lanz-Apps. Mit den Proto­­typen will Bonjour Ideen aufzeigen, inspi­rie­ren und in Pro­jek­ten mit Partnern Poten­­ziale aus­­loten. Unser Label Social Software in the Making shall underline our approach and invite others to do the same.
Test and use our protoypes and co-create: Toolbox

Public benefit 2.0

Die Digitalisierung hat uns nicht nur Software und Apps gebracht, sondern auch neuartige Heran­­gehens­­weisen wie Agile Software-Ent­wicklung und Open Source. Die agile Ent­wicklung geht davon aus, dass in einer sich schnell ver­än­dern­den Welt nicht mehr alles im vor­aus plan­bar ist. Zentral dabei ist das gemein­same Lernen und Weiterkommen unter­schied­licher Disziplinen. Open Source ist eine Lizenz, die es erlaubt, Code oder andere Resultate unter Ein­haltung gewisser Richt­linien kosten­los wieder­zu­ver­wenden oder andersweitig einzusetzen.

Wir glauben, dass diese Konzepte wunderbar zu gemein­nütziger Arbeit passen und wollen gemein­sam heraus­finden, was Gemein­nützig­keit im digitalen Zeit­alter heisst.
  • People in need can use Bonjour prototypes for free.
  • Bonjour helps non-profit organisations around the world to use the developed solutions or to integrate them or to develop them further.
  • We also share our most important learnings - both, successes and failures.
mitVerfolgen Interested to know where this journey is heading? Subscribe to the

Bonjour PingPong newsletter.

Weiter zu den Projekten

Creating new connections

There are many valuable social achievements: offers from non-profit organizations, companies, small businesses, the public sector and informal offers such as local neighborhood initiatives.

Bonjour does not intend to become another service provider. Instead, the foundation wants to offer a hand to create new connections, potentiate existing offers, enable access and jointly explore new potential.

How can co-create close-knit networks which offer people in all kinds of different situations fair access to the social achievements?

Technology as a tool for social innovation

We use simple technologies - but only as a means to an end. Our goals are as follows:
  • Learn together how technologies can be used sensibly.
  • Enhance existing services with technology and make them accessible to a wider public.
  • Connect people - also remotely.
We see two main potentials in digitization:

New platforms and channels We are particularly interested in inclusion here. How can we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect and be digitally ready?

Social innovation How can we find models based on simple technologies that promote interconnections, resilience, self-determination and a feeling of security? We consider the potential for social innovation to be very high when institutions, authorities and committed individuals come together and learn together.

Bringing together technology and the individual is only the starting point. We are committed to help defining different roles in society and find out how these roles can be meaningfully filled and supported, strengthened and interconnected using technology.


Participation, co-creation and diversity

We're all different and that's a good thing. The think-and-do factory Bonjour invites people, organizations, companies and authorities to co-create and even co-shape Bonjour itself.

How can we learn from each other and for each other? What does inclusion mean for project design?

We want to find a model of open collaboration that allows us and others to meet at eye level, develop new potential and to shape the future together.

Invitation to co-create: Our current project initiatives

Bonjour's slightly differet organisation chart von Bonjour

Joy of life and joy in getting older

Nobody finds offerings labeled "for the elderly" attractive. And what does "the elderly" mean anyway? That's why our goal is to develop attractive solutions that are attractive for older people, but not exclusively.

How can we incite an inspiring dialogue on the subject of ageing and intergenerational cooperation?

Bonjour is working towards solutions for seniors and everyone else who wants to become older one day.

.help = self-determination

For Bonjour, help does not mean a red button labeled "help". Rather, Bonjour wants to help create structures that lead to more resilience and security.

In every phase of life there are people who want to help and those who are dependent on support.

How can we combine the two needs of wanting to help and being in need of help?  helfen wollen and Unterstützung beanspruchen miteinander in Beziehung bringen? 

It's about matching and a culture of giving and taking and, above all, about creating an environment in which individuals feel comfortable to ask for help when they need it.

Helping people to strengthen their ability to help themselves and be more self-determined is another approach that we are pursuing.

(Software) Prototyping

How can we start with an idea and learn from our mistakes along the way and make sure that others can build on our experiences? 

Bonjour Apps sind Prototypen und keine Hoch­­g­lanz-Apps. Mit den Proto­­typen will Bonjour Ideen aufzeigen, inspi­rie­ren und in Pro­jek­ten mit Partnern Poten­­ziale aus­­loten.  Unser Label Social Software in the Making shall underline our approach and invite others to do the same.
Test and use our protoypes and co-create: Toolbox

Public benefit 2.0

Was bedeutet Gemein­nützig­keit in einer digitalen Welt?

Die Digitalisierung hat uns nicht nur Software und Apps gebracht, sondern auch neuartige Heran­­gehens­­weisen wie Agile Software-Ent­wicklung und Open Source. Die agile Ent­wicklung geht davon aus, dass in einer sich schnell ver­än­dern­den Welt nicht mehr alles im vor­aus plan­bar ist. Zentral dabei ist das gemein­same Lernen und Weiterkommen unter­schied­licher Disziplinen. Open Source ist eine Lizenz, die es erlaubt, Code oder andere Resultate unter Ein­haltung gewisser Richt­linien kosten­los wieder­zu­ver­wenden oder andersweitig einzusetzen.

Wir glauben, dass diese Konzepte wunderbar zu gemein­nütziger Arbeit passen und wollen gemein­sam heraus­finden, was Gemein­nützig­keit im digitalen Zeit­alter heisst.

Bonjour Public Benefit 2.0 Guidelines

  • People in need can use Bonjour prototypes for free.
  • Bonjour helps non-profit organisations around the world to use the developed solutions or to integrate them or to develop them further.
  • We also share our most important learnings - both, successes and failures.
mitVerfolgen Interested to know where this journey is heading? Subscribe to the Bonjour PingPong newsletter.

Weiter zu den Projekten


Auswahl aktueller und geplanter Projekte der Denk- und Machfabrik Bonjour in Kollaboration mit Praxispartnern und Wissenschaft.

Wir laden herzlich ein zum mitDenken und mitMachen!


Die Bonjour Werkzeugkiste ist ein Sammel­surium an Ideenansätzen, Prototypen und Ressourcen.

Fast alles was bei Bonjour entsteht ist open source. Aus diesen Samen sollen an ver­schie­denen Orten neue Blumen wachsen, die Menschen das Leben verschönern.

Viel Spass beim entdecken & ausprobieren: